PHPH1MIN Class Documentation

in package

The PHPH1 wrapper class.

This file and config.php must be included in your project before invoking the PHPH1 class, for example:


Once included the phph1 class can be invoked by setting a class handle. Be sure to check the config.php settings to be sure they are set how you would like. There is commented documentation in the config.php file as well as below for all required variables. See the __construct() function below for more information.


$phph1 = new phph1($phph1_apiaddresses, $max_pagesize, $default_pagesize, $default_network, $default_shard)

Methods that require input have a validation method available. Validation methods return either 1 for good or 0 if it finds bad input. When validating, if there is an invalid input, the error details are saved as an array in the $errors variable. You cannot retrieve the contents of the errors variable directly as it is set to private. There is a get_errors() function built into the class to retrieve any errors. See the example below.


if ($phph1->val_estimateGas($toaddr, $fromaddr, $gas, $gasprice, $value, $data)){

  $gasData = $phph1->hmyv2_estimateGas($toaddr, $fromaddr, $gas, $gasprice, $value, $data);

  // You can use this to see a raw dump of the returned data


  $errors = $phph1->get_errors();

  // You can use this to see a raw dump of the errors


Table of Contents

$apiaddr  : string
$default_pagesize  : int
$errors  : array<string|int, mixed>
$max_pagesize  : int
$network  : string
$phph1_apiaddresses  : array<string|int, mixed>
$shard  : int
__construct()  : void
The __construct function is used to set PHPH1 configurations settings when invoking the class. The parameters are all REQUIRED when invoking the class
convert_atto()  : number
Converts numbers in atto to decimal
docurlrequest()  : object
docurlrequest() takes the generated json request for the current method from genjsonrequest() and makes the call to the API RPC Node. If rpc_call is set to 0, it generates a data object for output.
genjsonrequest()  : string
genjsonrequest() is used by the method functions to generate the JSON request for the Node API host
get_apiaddr()  : string
get_apiaddr() is used to get the currently used Node API address The API address is set during _construct using the supplied network and shard information
get_errors()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get_errors() is used to get the current array of errors from method requests The error array is generated during the validation of method inputs
get_sessionnetwork()  : string
get_sessionnetwork() is used to get the current network we are working on The network is set when creating a class handle in _construct and the settings are found in config.php
get_sessionshard()  : string
get_sessionshard() is used to get the current network shard we are working on The network shard is set when creating a class handle in _construct and the settings array is found in config.php
getapiaddr()  : string
getapiaddr() is used to set the Node API host address during __construct. It gets the address using the network name and shard from $phph1_apiaddresses which is also set during __construct using settings from config.php
hmyv2_blockNumber()  : int
Get the current block number
hmyv2_call()  : string
hmyv2_call() Executes a new message call immediately, without creating a transaction on the block chain. The hmyv2_call method can be used to query internal contract state, to execute validations coded into a contract or even to test what the effect of a transaction would be without running it live.
hmyv2_epochLastBlock()  : int
Get the last block for a specified epoch
hmyv2_estimateGas()  : string
hmyv2_estimateGas() Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. Note that the estimate may be significantly more than the amount of gas actually used by the transaction, for a variety of reasons including EVM mechanics and node performance.
hmyv2_gasPrice()  : int
Gets the current average gas price of transactions
hmyv2_getAllValidatorAddresses()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of wallet addresses that have created validators on the network.
hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets all information for all validators.
hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformationByBlockNumber()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all validator information by block number
hmyv2_getBalance()  : number
Gets the current balance in atto for the specified wallet
hmyv2_getBalanceByBlockNumber()  : number
Gets the current balance in atto for the specified wallet at the specified block number
hmyv2_getBlockByHash()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets block information using the specified block hash.
hmyv2_getBlockByNumber()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets block information using the specified block number.
hmyv2_getBlocks()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets block information on a series of blocks between two block numbers.
hmyv2_getBlockSignerKeys()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets block signer BLS keys using the specified block number.
hmyv2_getBlockSigners()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of block signer wallet addresses using the specified block number.
hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByHash()  : number
Gets the number of transactions in a block using the specified block hash.
hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber()  : number
Gets the number of transactions in a block using the specified block number.
hmyv2_getCirculatingSupply()  : int
Get the current circulating supply of tokens in ONE
hmyv2_getCode()  : string
This method can be used to distinguish between contract addresses and wallet addresses.
hmyv2_getCurrentBadBlocks()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of bad blocks in node memory
hmyv2_getCurrentStakingErrorSink()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves a list of transaction errors currently in the staking error sink
hmyv2_getCurrentTransactionErrorSink()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves a list of transaction errors currently in the transaction error sink
hmyv2_getCurrentUtilityMetrics()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the current utility metrics
hmyv2_getCXReceiptByHash()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Query the CX receipt hash on the receiving shard endpoint
hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegator()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get delegations by delegator address
hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegatorByBlockNumber()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get delegations using delegator address and block number
hmyv2_getDelegationsByValidator()  : mixed
Get delegations using validator address
hmyv2_getElectedValidatorAddresses()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all elected Validator addresses
hmyv2_getEpoch()  : int
Get the current epoch
hmyv2_getHeaderByNumber()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets the block header data for the specified block number.
hmyv2_getLastCrossLinks()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the current information on the last crosslinks
hmyv2_getLatestChainHeaders()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of the latest beacon chain headers and their related information.
hmyv2_getLeader()  : string
Get the wallet address of current leader
hmyv2_getMedianRawStakeSnapshot()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the median raw stake snapshot
hmyv2_getNodeMetadata()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets the current node metadata.
hmyv2_getPendingCXReceipts()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves a list of currently pending cross shard transaction receipts
hmyv2_getPoolStats()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves current transaction pool stats
hmyv2_getShardingStructure()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a list of all shards and their information
hmyv2_getStakingNetworkInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves current network staking information
hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve a staking transaction info using block hash and transaction index
hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve a staking transaction info using block number and transaction index
hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByHash()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve a staking transaction info using the staking transaction hash (stkhash is validated in boot.php)
hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsCount()  : number
Gets the number of staking transactions for the specified ONE wallet address.
hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsHistory()  : string
Gets staking transactions history for a specified ONE wallet.
hmyv2_getStorageAt()  : string
Returns the value from a storage position at a given address, or in other words, returns the state of the contract's storage, which may not be exposed via the contract's methods.
hmyv2_getSuperCommittees()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves current super committee information
hmyv2_getTotalSupply()  : int
Get the total number of pre-mined tokens
hmyv2_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using block hash and transaction index (blockhash is validated in boot.php)
hmyv2_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using block number and transaction index
hmyv2_getTransactionByHash()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using the transaction hash
hmyv2_getTransactionReceipt()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using the transaction hash
hmyv2_getTransactionsCount()  : number
Gets the number of transactions for the specified ONE wallet address.
hmyv2_getTransactionsHistory()  : string
Gets transactions history for a specified ONE wallet.
hmyv2_getValidatorInformation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all information for a validator
hmyv2_getValidatorKeys()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get validator information from epoch number
hmyv2_getValidators()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get validator information from epoch number
hmyv2_isBlockSigner()  : booleen
Gets whether specified ONE address is a block signer for a specified block number.
hmyv2_latestHeader()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets the current blockchain header information.
hmyv2_pendingStakingTransactions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves a list of currently pending staking transactions
hmyv2_pendingTransactions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves a list of currently pending transactions
hmyv2_protocolVersion()  : number
Gets the current network protocol version.
hmyv2_resendCx()  : bool
Use this API call to resend the cross shard receipt to the receiving shard to re-process if the transaction did not pay out
hmyv2_sendRawStakingTransaction()  : string
Send a raw staking transaction using the hex representation of a signed staking transaction
hmyv2_sendRawTransaction()  : string
Send a raw transaction using the hex representation of a signed transaction
net_peerCount()  : number
Gets the current number of peers on the network in the form of a hex string.
phph1_reset()  : booleen
phph1_reset() resets all dynamic class information after a request has been finished.
val_blockhash()  : booleen
Validates a block hash
val_blocknum()  : booleen
Validates a block number
val_call()  : booleen
val_call() Validates user input for hmyv2_call()
val_cxtxhash()  : booleen
Validates a cross shard transaction hash
val_epoch()  : booleen
Validates an epoch
val_epochLastBlock()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_epochLastBlock
val_estimateGas()  : booleen
val_estimateGas() Validates the user input for hmyv2_estimateGas()
val_ethaddr()  : booleen
Validates an ETH wallet address
val_getAllValidatorInformation()  : int
Validation function for hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformation()
val_getAllValidatorInformationByBlockNumber()  : int
Validation function for hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformationByBlockNumber
val_getBalance()  : number
Validate input for hmyv2_getBalance
val_getBalanceByBlockNumber()  : number
Validate input for hmyv2_getBalanceByBlockNumber
val_getBlockByHash()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockByHash()
val_getBlockByNumber()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockByNumber().
val_getBlocks()  : booleen
Validates the input for hmyv2_getBlocks().
val_getBlockSignerKeys()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockSignerKeys().
val_getBlockSigners()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockSigners()
val_getBlockTransactionCountByHash()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByHash()
val_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber().
val_getCode()  : string
Validates hmyv2_getCode input
val_getCXReceiptByHash()  : booleen
Validate the CX receipt transaction hash input for hmyv2_getCXReceiptByHash
val_getDelegationsByDelegator()  : booleen
Validation function for hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegator()
val_getDelegationsByDelegatorByBlockNumber()  : int
Validation function for hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegatorByBlockNumber()
val_getDelegationsByValidator()  : int
Validation function for hmyv2_getDelegationsByValidator()
val_getHeaderByNumber()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getHeaderByNumber()
val_getStakingTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex (blockhash is validated in boot.php)
val_getStakingTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex()  : booleen
Validate input for val_getStakingTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex (blocknum is validated in boot.php)
val_getStakingTransactionByHash()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByHash
val_getStakingTransactionsCount()  : booleen
Validates the input for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsCount().
val_getStakingTransactionsHistory()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsHistory().
val_getStorageAt()  : booleen
Validation function for hmyv2_getStorageAt()
val_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex()  : booleen
Validate input for val_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex (blockhash is validated in boot.php)
val_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex (blocknum is validated in boot.php)
val_getTransactionByHash()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getTransactionByHash
val_getTransactionReceipt()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getTransactionReceipt
val_getTransactionsCount()  : booleen
Validates the input for hmyv2_getTransactionsCount().
val_getTransactionsHistory()  : booleen
Validates the input data for hmyv2_getTransactionsHistory().
val_getValidatorInformation()  : int
Validation function for hmyv2_getValidatorInformation
val_getValidatorKeys()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getValidatorKeys
val_getValidators()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_getValidators
val_hash()  : booleen
Validates a hash
val_isBlockSigner()  : booleen
Validation for hmyv2_isBlockSigner
val_oneaddr()  : booleen
Validates a ONE wallet address
val_resendCx()  : booleen
Validate the cross transaction receipt transaction hash input for hmyv2_resendCx
val_scaddress()  : booleen
Validates a smart contract address
val_sendRawStakingTransaction()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_sendRawStakingTransaction
val_sendRawTransaction()  : booleen
Validate input for hmyv2_sendRawTransaction
val_stlocation()  : booleen
Validates storage location
val_txindex()  : booleen
Validates transaction index



private string $apiaddr

The API address being used during this session. It is set during __construct by applying the $network and $shard inputs to the function getapiaddr(). It is set during __construct


private int $default_pagesize

Sets the default page size for methods that output multiple pages of data. It is set during __construct


private array<string|int, mixed> $errors = array()

An array of errors generated when creating the class handle and validating method inputs. This is later used to output any errors to the explorer method output page.


private int $max_pagesize

Sets the maximum page size a multi-paged method output can output. This is mostly used to prevent a call from a user asking for a huge page size which could slow things down due to memory and network usage


private string $network

This sets the network currently being used for the API calls during __construct and is one from the $phph1_apiaddresses array set in config.php. example "mainnet"


private array<string|int, mixed> $phph1_apiaddresses

This is set during _construct when the class is invoked and is defined in config.php. This is a multi-dimensional array that holds the node and shard information.



The __construct function is used to set PHPH1 configurations settings when invoking the class. The parameters are all REQUIRED when invoking the class

public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> $phph1_apiaddresses, int $max_pagesize, int $default_pagesize, string $network, int $shard) : void
$phph1_apiaddresses : array<string|int, mixed>

This is set in config.php and is an array of arrays, each array item is the network "name" such as "mainnet" and is an array itself of addresses used as shards for that network. For example $phph1_apiaddresses['mainnet'][0] would be an address for shard 0 on the mainnet network.

$max_pagesize : int

This sets the maximum number of return items per page on API calls that return multiple pages of data in the explorer or your project. This is helpful in preventing huge return data sets which could present a heavy load on the web server or the web servers data throughput.

$default_pagesize : int

This sets the default page size for API calls that return pages of data. This is helpful in the Explorer and can also be used in your project when not using the explorer.

$network : string

This sets the network currently being used for the API calls and is one from the $phph1_apiaddresses array set in config.php. example "mainnet"

$shard : int

This is the index number of the shard from the $network array. The shard MUST be defined in the config.php $phph1_apiaddresses array. example: If 'mainnet' were selected for $network above and we wanted to use chard 0, the value for this would be 0.

Return values


Converts numbers in atto to decimal

public convert_atto(mixed $attonum) : number
$attonum : mixed
Return values

The converted atto number in decimal format


docurlrequest() takes the generated json request for the current method from genjsonrequest() and makes the call to the API RPC Node. If rpc_call is set to 0, it generates a data object for output.

public docurlrequest(string $thisjson) : object

If rpc_call is set to 1, it returns the raw json output from API RPC Node.

$thisjson : string

The JSON API request generated by genjsonrequest()

Return values

An object containing the output data


genjsonrequest() is used by the method functions to generate the JSON request for the Node API host

public genjsonrequest(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> $paramsarr) : string
$method : string

The method being used in this request. example: hmyv2_getBalance

$paramsarr : array<string|int, mixed>

This is an array of the parameters for the method being called. It is formatted in each method function in this class

Return values

The formatted json data for this method request


get_apiaddr() is used to get the currently used Node API address The API address is set during _construct using the supplied network and shard information

public get_apiaddr() : string
Return values

The API address currently being used (example:


get_errors() is used to get the current array of errors from method requests The error array is generated during the validation of method inputs

public get_errors() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A list of errors from the currently run method


get_sessionnetwork() is used to get the current network we are working on The network is set when creating a class handle in _construct and the settings are found in config.php

public get_sessionnetwork() : string
Return values

The current network name the class is using (example: mainnet)


get_sessionshard() is used to get the current network shard we are working on The network shard is set when creating a class handle in _construct and the settings array is found in config.php

public get_sessionshard() : string
Return values

The current network shard the class is using (example: 0)


getapiaddr() is used to set the Node API host address during __construct. It gets the address using the network name and shard from $phph1_apiaddresses which is also set during __construct using settings from config.php

public getapiaddr(string $network, number $shard, mixed $phph1_apiaddresses) : string
$network : string

The network name from the $phph1_apiaddresses array, default is mainnet

$shard : number

The network shard for the network we will be using, default is shard 0

$phph1_apiaddresses : mixed
Return values

The URL for the API Node that was selected


hmyv2_call() Executes a new message call immediately, without creating a transaction on the block chain. The hmyv2_call method can be used to query internal contract state, to execute validations coded into a contract or even to test what the effect of a transaction would be without running it live.

public hmyv2_call(string $scaddress, string $from, string $gas, string $gasprice, string $value, string $data, number $blocknum) : string

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$scaddress : string

The ETH address the transaction was sent to

$from : string

The ETH address the transaction was sent from (optional)

$gas : string

Gas to execute the smart contract call (optional)

$gasprice : string

Gas price to execute smart contract call (optional)

$value : string

Value sent with the smart contract call (optional)

$data : string

Hash of smart contract method and parameters (optional)

$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values

Return value of the executed smart contract.


Get the last block for a specified epoch

public hmyv2_epochLastBlock(int $epoch) : int

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$epoch : int

Epoch number

Return values

Last block of the given epoch


hmyv2_estimateGas() Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. Note that the estimate may be significantly more than the amount of gas actually used by the transaction, for a variety of reasons including EVM mechanics and node performance.

public hmyv2_estimateGas(string $toaddr, string $from, string $gas, string $gasprice, string $value, string $data) : string

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$toaddr : string

The ETH wallet address the transaction would be sent to (required)

$from : string

The ETH wallet address the transaction would be sent from (optional)

$gas : string

Gas to execute the transaction (optional)

$gasprice : string

Gas price to execute the transaction (optional)

$value : string

Value sent with the transaction (optional)

$data : string

Hash of transaction method and parameters (optional)

Return values

Hex value of estimated gas price for the transaction.


Gets a list of wallet addresses that have created validators on the network.

public hmyv2_getAllValidatorAddresses() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of wallet addresses that have created validators on the network.


Gets all information for all validators.

public hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformation(number $pagenum) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$pagenum : number

Page to request (page size is 100), -1 for all validators (needs to be added to explorer)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of all validator detailed information.


Get all validator information by block number

public hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformationByBlockNumber(int $pagenum, number $blocknum) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$pagenum : int
$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of all validator detailed information.


Gets the current balance in atto for the specified wallet

public hmyv2_getBalance(string $oneaddr) : number
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

Return values

Current wallet balance in atto. See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.


Gets the current balance in atto for the specified wallet at the specified block number

public hmyv2_getBalanceByBlockNumber(string $oneaddr, number $blocknum) : number
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$blocknum : number

The block number to get the wallet balance from

Return values

Current wallet balance in atto. See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.


Gets block information using the specified block hash.

public hmyv2_getBlockByHash(string $blockhash, booleen $fulltx, booleen $incltx, booleen $withsigners, booleen $inclstaking) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blockhash : string

Block hash

$fulltx : booleen

Include full transaction data

$incltx : booleen

Include regular transactions

$withsigners : booleen

Block hash

$inclstaking : booleen

Include staking transactions

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Block information.


Gets block information using the specified block number.

public hmyv2_getBlockByNumber(int $blocknum, mixed $fulltx, booleen $incltx, booleen $withsigners, booleen $inclstaking) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : int

Block number

$fulltx : mixed
$incltx : booleen

Include regular transactions

$withsigners : booleen

Include the block signers information

$inclstaking : booleen

Include staking transactions

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The block information


Gets block information on a series of blocks between two block numbers.

public hmyv2_getBlocks(mixed $blocknum, mixed $blocknum2, booleen $fulltx, booleen $withsigners, booleen $inclstaking) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : mixed
$blocknum2 : mixed
$fulltx : booleen

Include full transaction data

$withsigners : booleen

Include the block signers information

$inclstaking : booleen

Include staking transactions

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of blocks and the information for each block searched


Gets block signer BLS keys using the specified block number.

public hmyv2_getBlockSignerKeys(string $blocknum) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of block signer public BLS keys.


Gets a list of block signer wallet addresses using the specified block number.

public hmyv2_getBlockSigners(mixed $blocknum) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of block signer wallet addresses.


Gets the number of transactions in a block using the specified block hash.

public hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByHash(string $blockhash) : number

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blockhash : string

Block hash

Return values

Number of transactions in the block


Gets the number of transactions in a block using the specified block number.

public hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(string $blocknum) : number

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values

Number of transactions in the block


Get the current circulating supply of tokens in ONE

public hmyv2_getCirculatingSupply() : int

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values

Circulation supply of tokens in ONE.


This method can be used to distinguish between contract addresses and wallet addresses.

public hmyv2_getCode(string $scaddress, int $blocknum) : string

Will return contract code if it's a contract and nothing (0x) if it's a wallet

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$scaddress : string

Smart contract address

$blocknum : int

Block number

Return values

Return value of the executed smart contract.


Gets a list of bad blocks in node memory

public hmyv2_getCurrentBadBlocks() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details. NOTE: This method currently has known issues with the RPC not returning correctly.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of bad blocks in node memory


Retrieves a list of transaction errors currently in the staking error sink

public hmyv2_getCurrentStakingErrorSink() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current transaction errors in the staking error sink.


Retrieves a list of transaction errors currently in the transaction error sink

public hmyv2_getCurrentTransactionErrorSink() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current errors in the transaction error sink.


Retrieves the current utility metrics

public hmyv2_getCurrentUtilityMetrics() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current utility metrics.


Query the CX receipt hash on the receiving shard endpoint

public hmyv2_getCXReceiptByHash(mixed $txhash) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$txhash : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get delegations by delegator address

public hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegator(string $deladdr) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$deladdr : string

Delegator address

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get delegations using delegator address and block number

public hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegatorByBlockNumber(mixed $oneaddr, string $blocknum) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$oneaddr : mixed
$blocknum : string

Block Number

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get delegations using validator address

public hmyv2_getDelegationsByValidator(string $oneaddr) : mixed

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$oneaddr : string

Validator wallet address. This is validated in boot.php

$return array List of delegations for the provided validator address

Return values


Get all elected Validator addresses

public hmyv2_getElectedValidatorAddresses() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of wallet addresses that are currently elected.


Gets the block header data for the specified block number.

public hmyv2_getHeaderByNumber(string $blocknum) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Block header data

Get the current information on the last crosslinks

public hmyv2_getLastCrossLinks() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

current information on the last crosslinks.


Gets a list of the latest beacon chain headers and their related information.

public hmyv2_getLatestChainHeaders() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Chain header data


Retrieves the median raw stake snapshot

public hmyv2_getMedianRawStakeSnapshot() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current utility metrics.


Gets the current node metadata.

public hmyv2_getNodeMetadata() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of bad blocks in node memory


Retrieves a list of currently pending cross shard transaction receipts

public hmyv2_getPendingCXReceipts() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of currently pending cross shard transaction receipts.


Retrieves current transaction pool stats

public hmyv2_getPoolStats() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current transaction pool stats.


Get a list of all shards and their information

public hmyv2_getShardingStructure() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Current shards on the network and their information.


Retrieves current network staking information

public hmyv2_getStakingNetworkInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current utility metrics.


Use this API call to retrieve a staking transaction info using block hash and transaction index

public hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(string $blockhash, int $txindex) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blockhash : string

Block number

$txindex : int

Staking transaction index

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Use this API call to retrieve a staking transaction info using block number and transaction index

public hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(int $blocknum, int $txindex) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : int

Block number

$txindex : int

Staking transaction index

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Use this API call to retrieve a staking transaction info using the staking transaction hash (stkhash is validated in boot.php)

public hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByHash(string $hash) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$hash : string

Staking transaction hash

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets the number of staking transactions for the specified ONE wallet address.

public hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsCount(string $oneaddr, string $txtype) : number

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$txtype : string

The transaction type to count (ALL, SENT, RECEIVED)

Return values

Number of staking transactions.


Gets staking transactions history for a specified ONE wallet.

public hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsHistory(string $oneaddr, number $pagenum, number $pagesize, booleen $fulltx, string $txtype, string $order) : string

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$pagenum : number

Which page of transactions to retrieve

$pagesize : number

Number of transactions per page

$fulltx : booleen

return full transaction data or just transaction hashes

$txtype : string

Which type of transactions to display (ALL, RECEIVED, or SENT)

$order : string

Sort transactions in ascending or descending order based on timestamp (ASC or DESC)

Return values

List of transaction hashes


Returns the value from a storage position at a given address, or in other words, returns the state of the contract's storage, which may not be exposed via the contract's methods.

public hmyv2_getStorageAt(string $scaddress, string $stlocation, number $blocknum) : string

See Explorer method page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$scaddress : string

Smart contract address

$stlocation : string

Hex representation of storage location

$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values

Data stored at the smart contract location.


Retrieves current super committee information

public hmyv2_getSuperCommittees() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of current utility metrics.


Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using block hash and transaction index (blockhash is validated in boot.php)

public hmyv2_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(mixed $blockhash, int $txindex) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blockhash : mixed
$txindex : int

Staking transaction index

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using block number and transaction index

public hmyv2_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(int $blocknum, int $txindex) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$blocknum : int

Block number

$txindex : int

Transaction index

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using the transaction hash

public hmyv2_getTransactionByHash(string $hash) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$hash : string

Transaction hash

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Use this API call to retrieve transaction info using the transaction hash

public hmyv2_getTransactionReceipt(mixed $hash) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$hash : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets the number of transactions for the specified ONE wallet address.

public hmyv2_getTransactionsCount(string $oneaddr[, string $txtype = 'ALL' ]) : number

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$txtype : string = 'ALL'

The transaction type to count (ALL, SENT, RECEIVED)

Return values

Number of transactions.


Gets transactions history for a specified ONE wallet.

public hmyv2_getTransactionsHistory(string $oneaddr, number $pagenum, number $pagesize, booleen $fulltx, string $txtype, string $order) : string

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$pagenum : number

Which page of transactions to retrieve

$pagesize : number

Number of transactions per page

$fulltx : booleen

return full transaction data or just transaction hashes

$txtype : string

Which type of transactions to display (ALL, RECEIVED, or SENT)

$order : string

Sort transactions in ascending or descending order based on timestamp (ASC or DESC)

Return values

List of transaction hashes


Get all information for a validator

public hmyv2_getValidatorInformation(string $valaddr) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$valaddr : string

The validator's wallet address

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of validator detailed information.


Get validator information from epoch number

public hmyv2_getValidatorKeys(int $epoch) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$epoch : int

Epoch number (default is epoch 1 or everything)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of public BLS keys in the elected committee.


Get validator information from epoch number

public hmyv2_getValidators(int $epoch) : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$epoch : int

Epoch number (default is epoch 1 or everything)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of validators ONE addresses and some of their information.


Gets whether specified ONE address is a block signer for a specified block number.

public hmyv2_isBlockSigner(string $oneaddr, number $blocknum) : booleen

See Explorer Method Page for output details.

$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the validator

$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values

Returns 1 if address is a block signer


Gets the current blockchain header information.

public hmyv2_latestHeader() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Current blockchain header information


Retrieves a list of currently pending staking transactions

public hmyv2_pendingStakingTransactions() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of currently pending staking transactions.


Retrieves a list of currently pending transactions

public hmyv2_pendingTransactions() : array<string|int, mixed>

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of currently pending transactions.


Use this API call to resend the cross shard receipt to the receiving shard to re-process if the transaction did not pay out

public hmyv2_resendCx(mixed $txhash) : bool

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$txhash : mixed
Return values

If cross shard receipt was successfully resent (true) or not (false)


Send a raw staking transaction using the hex representation of a signed staking transaction

public hmyv2_sendRawStakingTransaction(string $transhex) : string

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$transhex : string

Hex representation of signed staking transaction

Return values

if successful returns staking transaction hash. If failed it returns an error


Send a raw transaction using the hex representation of a signed transaction

public hmyv2_sendRawTransaction(string $transhex) : string

See Explorer Method Page or Harmony API Documentation for output details.

$transhex : string

Hex representation of signed staking transaction

Return values

if successful returns staking transaction hash. If failed it returns an error


phph1_reset() resets all dynamic class information after a request has been finished.

public phph1_reset() : booleen

This is intended to be used for custom built applications using the class so it can make multiple requests using a single class handle for a single page load

Return values

1 = success


Validates a block hash

public val_blockhash(mixed $blockhash) : booleen
$blockhash : mixed
Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validates a block number

public val_blocknum(mixed $blocknum) : booleen
$blocknum : mixed
Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


val_call() Validates user input for hmyv2_call()

public val_call(string $scaddress, mixed $fromaddr, string $gas, string $gasprice, string $value, string $data, number $blocknum) : booleen
$scaddress : string

The ETH address the transaction was sent to

$fromaddr : mixed
$gas : string

Gas to execute the smart contract call (optional)

$gasprice : string

Gas price to execute smart contract call (optional)

$value : string

Value sent with the smart contract call (optional)

$data : string

Hash of smart contract method and parameters (optional)

$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values

1 = Good input, 0 = bad input


Validates a cross shard transaction hash

public val_cxtxhash(string $trhash) : booleen
$trhash : string

The cross shard transaction hash

Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validates an epoch

public val_epoch(mixed $epoch) : booleen
$epoch : mixed
Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validate input for hmyv2_epochLastBlock

public val_epochLastBlock(int $epoch) : booleen
$epoch : int

Epoch number

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


val_estimateGas() Validates the user input for hmyv2_estimateGas()

public val_estimateGas(string $toaddr, mixed $fromaddr, string $gas, string $gasprice, string $value, string $data) : booleen
$toaddr : string

The ETH smart contract address the transaction would be sent to

$fromaddr : mixed
$gas : string

Gas to execute the smart contract call (optional)

$gasprice : string

Gas price to execute smart contract call (optional)

$value : string

Value sent with the smart contract call (optional)

$data : string

Hash of smart contract method and parameters (optional)

Return values

1 = Good input, 0 = bad input


Validates an ETH wallet address

public val_ethaddr(mixed $addr) : booleen
$addr : mixed
Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validation function for hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformation()

public val_getAllValidatorInformation(int $pagenum) : int
$pagenum : int

Page number to display

Return values

good data = 1, bad data = 0


Validation function for hmyv2_getAllValidatorInformationByBlockNumber

public val_getAllValidatorInformationByBlockNumber(int $pagenum, string $blocknum) : int
$pagenum : int
$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values

good data =1, bad data = 0


Validate input for hmyv2_getBalance

public val_getBalance(string $oneaddr) : number
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

Return values

0 = bad input, 1 = good input


Validate input for hmyv2_getBalanceByBlockNumber

public val_getBalanceByBlockNumber(string $oneaddr, string $blocknum) : number
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values

0 = bad input, 1 = good input


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockByHash()

public val_getBlockByHash(string $blockhash, booleen $fulltx, booleen $incltx, booleen $withsigners, booleen $inclstaking) : booleen
$blockhash : string

Block hash

$fulltx : booleen

Include full transaction data

$incltx : booleen

Include regular transactions

$withsigners : booleen

Block hash

$inclstaking : booleen

Include staking transactions

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockByNumber().

public val_getBlockByNumber(int $blocknum, mixed $fulltx, booleen $incltx, booleen $withsigners, booleen $inclstaking) : booleen
$blocknum : int

Block number

$fulltx : mixed
$incltx : booleen

Include regular transactions

$withsigners : booleen

Include the block signers information

$inclstaking : booleen

Include staking transactions

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates the input for hmyv2_getBlocks().

public val_getBlocks(int $blocknum, mixed $blocknum2, mixed $fulltx, booleen $withsigners, booleen $inclstaking) : booleen
$blocknum : int

Starting block number

$blocknum2 : mixed
$fulltx : mixed
$withsigners : booleen

Include the block signers information

$inclstaking : booleen

Include staking transactions

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockSignerKeys().

public val_getBlockSignerKeys(int $blocknum) : booleen
$blocknum : int

Block number

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockSigners()

public val_getBlockSigners(string $blocknum) : booleen
$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByHash()

public val_getBlockTransactionCountByHash(string $blockhash) : booleen
$blockhash : string

Block hash

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber().

public val_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(int $blocknum) : booleen
$blocknum : int

Block number

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validates hmyv2_getCode input

public val_getCode(string $scaddress, int $blocknum) : string
$scaddress : string

Smart contract address

$blocknum : int

Block number

Return values

Return value of the executed smart contract.


Validate the CX receipt transaction hash input for hmyv2_getCXReceiptByHash

public val_getCXReceiptByHash(string $txhash) : booleen
$txhash : string

Cross shard receipt transaction hash

Return values

good input = 1, bad input = 0


Validation function for hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegator()

public val_getDelegationsByDelegator(string $oneaddr) : booleen
$oneaddr : string

delegate ONE address

Return values

1 = Good input, 0 = bad input


Validation function for hmyv2_getDelegationsByDelegatorByBlockNumber()

public val_getDelegationsByDelegatorByBlockNumber(string $oneaddr, string $blocknum) : int
$oneaddr : string

Delegator address

$blocknum : string

Block Number

Return values

good data = 1, bad data = 0


Validation function for hmyv2_getDelegationsByValidator()

public val_getDelegationsByValidator(string $oneaddr) : int
$oneaddr : string

Validator address

Return values

good data = 1, bad data = 0


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getHeaderByNumber()

public val_getHeaderByNumber(string $blocknum) : booleen
$blocknum : string

Block number

Return values

1 = good data, 0 = bad data


Validate input for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex (blockhash is validated in boot.php)

public val_getStakingTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(string $blockhash, string $txindex) : booleen
$blockhash : string

Block hash

$txindex : string

Staking transaction index

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for val_getStakingTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex (blocknum is validated in boot.php)

public val_getStakingTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(int $blocknum, int $txindex) : booleen
$blocknum : int

Block number

$txindex : int

Staking transaction index

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionByHash

public val_getStakingTransactionByHash(string $hash) : booleen
$hash : string

Staking transaction hash

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validates the input for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsCount().

public val_getStakingTransactionsCount(string $oneaddr, string $txtype) : booleen
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$txtype : string

The transaction type to count (ALL, SENT, RECEIVED)

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getStakingTransactionsHistory().

public val_getStakingTransactionsHistory(string $oneaddr, number $pagenum, number $pagesize, booleen $fulltx, string $txtype, string $order) : booleen
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$pagenum : number

Which page number of transactions to retrieve

$pagesize : number

Number of transactions per page

$fulltx : booleen

return full transaction data or just transaction hashes

$txtype : string

Which type of transactions to display (ALL, RECEIVED, or SENT)

$order : string

Sort transactions in ascending or descending order based on timestamp (ASC or DESC)

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validation function for hmyv2_getStorageAt()

public val_getStorageAt(string $scaddress, string $stlocation, number $blocknum) : booleen
$scaddress : string

Smart contract address

$stlocation : string

Hex representation of storage location

$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values

1 = Good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for val_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex (blockhash is validated in boot.php)

public val_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(string $blockhash, string $txindex) : booleen
$blockhash : string

Block hash

$txindex : string

Transaction index

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for hmyv2_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex (blocknum is validated in boot.php)

public val_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(int $blocknum, int $txindex) : booleen
$blocknum : int

Block number

$txindex : int

Staking transaction index

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for hmyv2_getTransactionByHash

public val_getTransactionByHash(int $hash) : booleen
$hash : int


Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for hmyv2_getTransactionReceipt

public val_getTransactionReceipt(int $hash) : booleen
$hash : int


Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validates the input for hmyv2_getTransactionsCount().

public val_getTransactionsCount(string $oneaddr, string $txtype) : booleen
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$txtype : string

The transaction type to count (ALL, SENT, RECEIVED)

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validates the input data for hmyv2_getTransactionsHistory().

public val_getTransactionsHistory(string $oneaddr, number $pagenum, number $pagesize, booleen $fulltx, string $txtype, string $order) : booleen
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the wallet

$pagenum : number

Which page of transactions to retrieve

$pagesize : number

Number of transactions per page

$fulltx : booleen

return full transaction data or just transaction hashes

$txtype : string

Which type of transactions to display (ALL, RECEIVED, or SENT)

$order : string

Sort transactions in ascending or descending order based on timestamp (ASC or DESC)

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validation function for hmyv2_getValidatorInformation

public val_getValidatorInformation(string $oneaddr) : int
$oneaddr : string

The validator's wallet address

Return values

good data =1, bad data = 0


Validate input for hmyv2_getValidatorKeys

public val_getValidatorKeys(int $epoch) : booleen
$epoch : int

Epoch number

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for hmyv2_getValidators

public val_getValidators(int $epoch) : booleen
$epoch : int

Epoch number

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validates a hash

public val_hash(mixed $hash) : booleen
$hash : mixed
Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validation for hmyv2_isBlockSigner

public val_isBlockSigner(string $oneaddr, number $blocknum) : booleen
$oneaddr : string

The ONE address of the validator

$blocknum : number

Block number

Return values

good data = 1, bad data = 0


Validates a ONE wallet address

public val_oneaddr(mixed $oneaddr) : booleen
$oneaddr : mixed
Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validate the cross transaction receipt transaction hash input for hmyv2_resendCx

public val_resendCx(string $txhash) : booleen
$txhash : string

Cross shard receipt transaction hash

Return values

good input = 1, bad input = 0


Validates a smart contract address

public val_scaddress(string $scaddress) : booleen
$scaddress : string

The smart contract address

Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validate input for hmyv2_sendRawStakingTransaction

public val_sendRawStakingTransaction(string $transhex) : booleen
$transhex : string

Hex representation of signed staking transaction

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validate input for hmyv2_sendRawTransaction

public val_sendRawTransaction(string $transhex) : booleen
$transhex : string

Hex representation of signed staking transaction

Return values

1 = good input, 0 = bad input


Validates storage location

public val_stlocation(string $stlocation) : booleen
$stlocation : string

The storage location hash

Return values

1 = good address, 0 = bad address


Validates transaction index

public val_txindex(int $txindex) : booleen
$txindex : int

The transaction index

Return values

1 = good transaction index, 0 = bad transaction index


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